• An informal guide to code review

    August 24, 2019
    When I began my job at Flocabulary at the beginning of last year, I found few of my tasks as simultaneously difficult and rewarding as…
  • The Sun Clock starts ticking

    August 14, 2018
    As some of you know, I've been hard at work on a side project for the past half year or so. I call it the "Sun Clock," and I'm happy to say…
  • Let's Define "undefined"

    October 17, 2017
    The nature of in JavaScript can be a bit confusing at times. In this blog post, I'm going to explore in the context of Arrays and…
  • Digging into a Babel-Related Error in Jest

    October 11, 2017
    Not so long ago, I decided to add some tests to a small program I wrote. I chose to use jest , a nice testing platform by facebook that I…
  • Squashing a Gatsby+Webpack+d3 bug

    September 26, 2017
    I was in the midst of rebuilding my site a couple weeks ago with Gatsby JS , a React-based static site generator, when I decided I wanted…
  • Why I'm Starting a Blog

    September 15, 2017
    Hi folks! I’m Nathan, and yes, this is my grand entrance into the blogosphere! I’ve decided that I want to have a space to share what’s…